National Open Call for Tenders N° 004/AONO/ARMP/CIPM/2020 of 12/06/2020
National Open Call for Tenders N° 004/AONO/ARMP/CIPM/2020 of 12/06/2020 for the rehabilitation works of the computer local area network at the headquarters of the Agence de Régulation des Marchés for the rehabilitation works of the computer local area network at the headquarters and in the 10 Regional Centres of the Agence de Régulation des Marchés Publics (ARMP)
Financing : ARMP Budget Fiscal Year 2020
Source of funding : AUTONOMOUS BUDGET(BA)
1. Subject
Within the framework of the modernization of its IT infrastructure, the Director General of the Public Procurement Regulation Agency (ARMP) launches a National Open Call for Tenders for the rehabilitation of the local IT network of the Public Procurement Regulation Agency (ARMP).
2. Consistency of performance
The work, which is the subject of this consultation, consists of :
A. At headquarters :
a) the repair of the horizontal wiring of the floors to be networked,
(b) the replacement of the fibre optic backbone ;
(c) installation of wifi points in meeting rooms, halls and waiting rooms;
d) the supply, installation and configuration of network equipment that can easily support data, image and sound, and allow for evolution (integration of VoIP, video conferencing, remote surveillance and installation of biometric access control equipment);
(e) the supply and installation of biometric cameras and pointers
(f) the supply, installation and configuration of network scanning and monitoring equipment ;
(g) the supply of software dedicated to intranet and teleworking ;
(h) the supply of mobile IT monitoring equipment;
(i) the production of technical documentation for the services provided (wiring plan, logical diagram of cabling and active equipment) and start-up assistance.
j) the training of network administrator staff,
B. In each of the 10 regional centres
(a) the rebuilding and/or installation of the centre's wiring ;
b) the installation of wifi points in the centre;
(c) the provision of network equipment that can easily support data, image and sound;
(d) the supply and installation of a digital camera and a biometric pointer;
(e) production of technical documentation for the services provided (wiring plan, logic diagram of the wiring and active equipment) and assistance with start-up.
3. Estimated cost
The estimated cost of the operation following the preliminary studies is two hundred and forty-five million CFA francs (280,000,000).
4. Delivery time
The maximum time limit for carrying out the work covered by this call for tenders is six (06) months.
5. Allocation
The present services are presented in a single package.
6. Participation and origin
This call for tenders is open to all companies and enterprises established in Cameroon and with proven experience in the installation and configuration of computer networks.
7. Financing
The services covered by this Call for Tenders are financed by the ARMP budget, for the financial year 2020 on the following budget allocation line: 001/01/03/02/
8. Consultation of the file
The file can be downloaded from the ARMP website, section Journal des Marchés Publics, or be consulted free of charge on working days and during the hours between 07:30 and 15:30 at the Service des Marchés, located on the fourth (4th) floor, door n°6039 of the ARMP headquarters building in Yaoundé, as soon as this notice is published.
Visit of the site.
Companies interested in this invitation to tender must visit the site where the services are to be provided, which is the ARMP headquarters building, at least five (5) days before the deadline for submission of bids. This visit will be conducted by the Director of Information Systems.
9. Acquisition of the file
The invitation to tender file can be obtained from the publication of this notice at the Service des Marchés of the Agence de Régulation des Marchés Publics located at the 4th floor, door n°6039 of the ARMP headquarters building at Mballa II, against payment of a non refundable sum of CFA Francs two hundred and forty eighty thousand (280 000) payable to the CAS account of ARMP opened in the books of BICEC, at the number 33598860001 94.
10. Submission of bids
Each bid drawn up in French or English in seven (07) copies, the original and six (06) copies marked as such, must be sent to the ARMP Market Service located on the 4th floor, door n°6039 of the ARMP headquarters building in Mballa II, no later than 01 JULY 2020 at 12 noon and must be marked :
Call for Tenders N° 004/AONO/ARMP/CIPM/2020 of 12/06/2020 for the rehabilitation of the computer local area network of the Public Procurement Regulation Agency (ARMP) under Emergency Procedure.
"To be opened only at the counting session."
11. Provisional Bond
Each bidder must attach to its administrative documents, a bid bond established by a bank or financial institution authorized to issue bonds in the context of public procurement, and listed in Exhibit 12 of the DAO, valid for thirty (30) days beyond the bid validity date, in the amount of five million six hundred thousand (5,600,000) CFA francs;
12. Admissibility of bids
Under penalty of rejection, the required documents from the administrative file must be produced in originals or in copies certified true copies by the issuing service or an administrative authority (Prefect, Sub-prefect, ), in accordance with the provisions of the Special Bidding Rules.
They must be dated less than three (03) months prior to the closing date for submission of bids.
Each bidder must attach to its administrative documents a bid bond issued by a first class bank approved by the Ministry of Finance.
Any bid that is incomplete as prescribed in the bidding documents will be declared non-responsive.
13. Bid Opening
The opening of the folds will be done in one go. The opening of administrative, technical and financial offers will take place on 01 JULY 2020 at 13:00 (local time) by the Internal Commission for Procurement at ARMP, in the meeting room on the 2nd floor of the ARMP headquarters building.
Only bidders may attend this opening session or be represented by a duly authorized person of their choice.
14. Evaluation Criteria
*. Preliminary criteria.
Absence of the bid bond;
misrepresentation or falsified documents;
absence of colour leaflets in both the original and the copies of the bid as well as the manufacturer's data sheets (router, switch and firewall);
absence of the approval or authorisation of the manufacturer of the active equipment (router, switch and firewall);
absence of a certificate of partnership with the manufacturer;
Non-compliant head of mission;
non-compliant technical equipment (at least eighty percent (80%) of yes).
absence of a site visit certificate signed on honour for the head office and at least one (01) of the regional centres.
Technical score less than 70%.
*. Essential criteria.
The essential criteria for the qualification of candidates are :
General presentation of the offer (05%);
Tenderer's references (10%);
Qualification of key personnel (15%);
Methodology (20%);
Conformity of the material proposed (50%).
15. Award
The contract will be awarded to the Bidder whose financial bid has been evaluated as the lowest, provided that the Bidder is also judged to be technically qualified to perform the contract satisfactorily.
16. Period of Validity of Tenders
Tenderers shall remain bound by their tender for ninety (90) days from the deadline for submission of tenders.
17. Additional information
Additional information of a technical nature can be obtained from the Information Systems Department located on the first (1st) floor of the ARMP building, Tel: 242 20 18 03 - Fax: 242 20 60 43, Email: pridesoft@armp.cm
YAOUNDE on June 12, 2020
Source: armp